The many ways of writing the factorial function, n!


The factorial of n, n!, is given by

    \[n! = \begin{cases} n \times (n-1) \times (n-2) \times \cdots \times 2 \times 1, & \text{if } n = 1, 2, 3, \ldots; \\ 1, & \text{if } n = 0. \end{cases}\]

In Fortran, there is no intrinsic function for factorial, so we must write our own.

Recursive Function

The factorial is one of the first examples that we encounter when we are learning about recursive functions.

    RECURSIVE FUNCTION factorial(n) RESULT(fact)
    ! Returns the value n! as an integer
    INTEGER :: n, fact
        IF (n == 0) THEN
            fact = 1
            fact = n * factorial(n-1)
        END IF
    END FUNCTION factorial

This works well up until factorial(26). Then we get a signed-error. factorial(26) = -1569523520172457984.

By switching the declaration of n and fact from integer to real(kind=8), we can express the factorial all the way to 170!.

    RECURSIVE FUNCTION factorial(n) RESULT(fact)
    ! Returns the value n! as an integer
    REAL(KIND=8) :: n, fact
        IF (n == 0) THEN
            fact = 1
            fact = n * factorial(n-1)
        END IF
    END FUNCTION factorial

This works all the way up to factorial(170) = 7.257415615307994E+306.

Note that you can get higher factorials by using REAL(KIND=16).

Iterative Function

We can also write this iteratively.

    FUNCTION factorial(n)
    ! Returns the value n! as an integer
    INTEGER(KIND=8) :: n, i
    REAL(KIND=8) :: factorial
    factorial = 1
    DO i = 1, n
        factorial = factorial * i
    END DO
    END FUNCTION factorial

Vectorized Function

This is a nice short way of writing the iterative function above, but without having to write a DO loop.

   FUNCTION factorial(n)
    ! Returns the value n! as an integer
    INTEGER(KIND=8) :: n
    REAL(KIND=8) :: factorial
    factorial = product( [1:n] )
    END FUNCTION factorial

Further Reading

Numerical Recipes: See pages 207–208.

Fast Factorial Functions: There are five algorithms which everyone who wants to compute the factorial n! = 1, 2, 3, \ldots, n should know.



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